June 2, 2015

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
ISBN: 9781582701707

It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. This centuries-old Secret has been understood by some of the most prominent people in history: Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie, Einstein - along with other inventors, theologians, scientists, and great thinkers. Now The Secret is being revealed to the world. 

I have now seen this movie, listened to the audio book and read the actual book. This book focuses on the law of attraction and how you can make it work for you. It is amazing to believe that what you think in your mind can be yours if you just focus on it. I myself am still working on this concept as it is hard for me to let go of the negative part and just focus totally on the positive. After reading this book I feel as if I want to work on it even more. To me it is amazing and great to hear others' stories about how the law of attraction has worked for them. The concept makes perfect sense now to just believe and do it. A very interesting book to read. 

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